Introducing Lisanne and Marie!
They will do their internship with the MCSS:
Hi everyone! Let’s introduce myself first. My name is
Lisanne and I’m from The Netherlands. I’m 24 years old and I got my bachelor’s
degree in biology last year. Currently I’m enrolled in a master program called
‘Marine Biodiversity and Conservation’. At the moment I’m studying in a nice
city called Ghent, Belgium. But for my internship I wanted to widen my horizon.
Yes, we do have a sea with a coastline in Belgium, but it’s maybe a little bit
less spectacular than the tropical ocean around the Seychelles. I’m interested
in coral reefs, marine mammals, turtles, whales, but basically I have an
interest for all fauna you can find in tropical seas.That’s the reason why I
came all the way from The Netherlands to stay with the MCSS for the next 6
weeks. The perfect location to do research on the animals and habitats that
interest me the most!
Hi, I’m Marie Robberecht and I’m 22years old. I’m from
Belgium and I’ going to be on Mahe’ from the 16the of april till the 2nd
of june. I got my Bachelor degree in Biology in Ghent, Belgium and now I’m
doing my master program ‘Marine biodiversity and conservation’ (Embc+). For the
First year of this master program I studied in Ghent and we had to do an
internship of 6 weeks. I have chosen to do my internship with the MCSS on the
Seychelles, far away from where I live, because I’m very interested in corals,
marine mammals sea turtle… and that’s is something that we don’t have in our
small North Sea.
Soon Myself Sheril and the two interns will be participating in the reef check. This will take place on the fishermen's cove reef searching for visual evidence of reef health impacts. This is to have a better idea of the impacts on the snorkel trail to monitor.
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