Meet Aishah !

Aishah in the snorkeling kiosk

My name is Aishah Fanchette, I’m 19 years old from Seychelles and I work on Le Méridien Fisherman’s Cove project. I’m not new in the MCSS team, I worked one month at the Banyan Tree in 2015 with the turtle and terrapin project and worked two months on Cerf Island in 2016 with the CICP (Cerf Island Conservation Project) while I was still in school doing my work base attachments. Now that I have finished school at the Seychelles Maritime Academy and obtained my Advance Certificate in Fisheries Science, MCSS was my first door to knock up. It was the best place to start and I also got experience in the job. So I got the position here at the Fisherman’s cove working as a Research Assistant. I have started to work here about 3 months ago and everything so far is going great. I get to learn different facts about turtles, fishes and mostly corals every day. Our main tasks are to handle the snorkeling kiosk, guide the clients on the snorkeling trail (Unlock the sea) and to work on the coral reef restoration project. We have recently started to work on our coral nurseries (which you will read about it soon), and we are really excited about it. I’m so happy to be officially part of this team.
Stay tune on our blog to find out more! J

Aishah snorkeling and Murphy, our resident hawksbill turtle (Photo by Aishah)


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